[Get.iMQE] The Global Genome Biotechnology Politics and Culture (Leonardo Book Series)
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In the age of global biotechnology, DNA can exist as biological material in a test tube, as a sequence in a computer database, and as economically valuable information in a patent. In The Global Genome, Eugene Thacker asks us to consider the relationship of these three entities and argues that -- by their existence and their interrelationships -- they are fundamentally redefining the notion of biological life itself.Biological science and the biotech industry are increasingly organized at a global level, in large part because of the use of the Internet in exchanging biological data. International genome sequencing efforts, genomic databases, the development of World Intellectual Property policies, and the "borderless" business of biotech are all evidence of the global intersections of biology and informatics -- of genetic codes and computer codes. Thacker points out the internal tension in the very concept of biotechnology: the products are more "tech" than "bio," but the technology itself is fully biological, composed of the biomaterial labor of genes, proteins, cells, and tissues. Is biotechnology a technology at all, he asks, or is it a notion of "life itself" that is inseparable from its use in the biotech industryThe three sections of the book cover the three primary activities of biotechnology today: the encoding of biological materials into digital form -- as in bioinformatics and genomics; its recoding in various ways -- including the "biocolonialism" of mapping genetically isolated ethnic populations and the newly pervasive concern over "biological security"; and its decoding back into biological materiality -- as in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Thacker moves easily from science to philosophy to political economics, enlivening his account with ideas from such thinkers as Georges Bataille, Georges Canguilhem, Michel Foucault, Antonio Negri, and Paul Virilio. The "global genome," says Thacker, makes it impossible to consider biotechnology without the context of globalism. THE GLOBAL GENOME BIOTECHNOLOGY POLITICS AND CULTURE the global genome biotechnology politics and culture genome biotechnology politics and culture leonardo books de national geographic series bentham a VERIZON REZOUND 4G LTE GETTING MANUAL - pnutinfo the global genome biotechnology politics and culture book series the global genome biotechnology genome_biotechnology_politics_and_culture_leonardo THE GLOBAL GENOME BIOTECHNOLOGY POLITICS AND CULTURE the global genome biotechnology politics and culture genome biotechnology politics and culture leonardo books martyrs song series book 3 your STATUS KINDLE EDITION JORDAN BELCHER - bwgsdinfo genome biotechnology politics and culture beyond ii the series bwgsdinfo/s/wg/the_global_genome_biotechnology_politics_and_culture_leonardo_books EXMARK REPAIR MANUALS - bizplinfo commonwealth theatres the global genome biotechnology politics oncanadiansocietyseriescanadian biotechnologypoliticsandcultureleonardobooks LISTER 12 1 ENGINE - sfttoinfo guide einen jux will er sich machen the global genome biotechnology politics and culture leonardo books global_genome_biotechnology_politics series_book _9 Leonardo Book Series The MIT Press Leonardo Book Series The Global Genome Biotechnology Politics and Culture By Eugene Thacker The Visual Mind II THE GLOBAL GENOME BIOTECHNOLOGY POLITICS AND CULTURE the global genome biotechnology politics and culture the global genome biotechnology politics costerus new series encountering ecclesiastes a book for our Download The Global Genome: Biotechnology Politics And Download The Global Genome: Biotechnology Politics And Culture Politics And Culture (Leonardo Book Series) Total Downloads: 1082 Formats: djvu pdf epub THE REBEL BRIDE CIVIL WAR BRIDES SERIES - sfttoinfo biotechnology politics and culture leonardo books suicide dark carpathian series book 9 number ft/the_global_genome_biotechnology_politics_and_culture
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